Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Meters - Struttin

The rarest Meters record ever! This is one of the 3 classic funky albums they cut for the Josie label in their early years -- and it's about as hard and heavy and funky as you could get! The group's trademark scratchy guitar funk sound is firmly in place, and the rhythm section is nice, tight, and choppy. All tracks are great groovers -- and titles include "Same Old Thing", "Joog", "Chicken Strut", "Liver Splash", "Hand Clapping Song", "Hey Last Minute", "Tippi-Toes", and "Ride Your Pony". A bucket of breaks in every track


googlefritz said...

thanks - these are great!

Anonymous said...

aaahhhh! thx so much! your helping the funk grow

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting this.


Anonymous said...

Great couple of posts, thanks a ton!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic. Much appreciation.

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot!!!

meters said...

Thanks a lot.It's nice article about the meters

Mark P said...

Thanks for these great,hard-to-find Meters discs. In a just world, they would've made millions with these records.

Anonymous said...

Been looking for this one! thanks so much