Sunday, February 17, 2008

Afro rock - music dewolfe

An album that is seen on every library wants list and is definitely well worthy of such an accolade. Composed by P. Reno and L. Vecchio, we are treated to ten tracks of pounding, funky afro-influenced rock and, to be honest, its a great album from start to finish and be left on the turntable to run from start to finish. Highlights would have to be the ultra-heavy drums and horns-a-plenty of "Megaton" and the extended workout of "Green Hell" that is more afro-jazz-rock in its styling, especially in the scoring of the flute and horn solos.


Somebody said...

Awesome blog Soul Diggs! Got referred here from KikkinBack and previous to that the excellent funk blog Fleamarket Funk. Must say your selections and overall format would put you in my top 3 blogs in less than a weeks time. peace & love, soul brother.

Vincent the Soul Chef said...

With a writeup like this, how could I not give this one a listen... As always, thanks for the share and thanks as well for the blogroll link.
Keep up the good work!

Peace and blessings.

bresk said...

killer shares! added your blog straight to my bookmarks

Matt said...

this one's not bad...i just finished listening to it just now...i really dig the way some of the songs are composed. thanks for the post!

raremarc said...

thanks for those amazing albums! KPM collection superb!

Anonymous said...

Much thanks for the great post!

Burningbluesoul said...

Many many judos to you for not sitting on this one and being so kind as to post it my man. This is a heavy mutha, and is necessary for those who seek THE GOOD in beats and bustles.

robert said...

WOW! thanks for sharing all that library stuff, stoked to check it out. definitely be adding heavyweight to the bookmarks.

Unknown said...

interesting stuff, thanks.

also for the kpm, etc!

Sly Hoax said...

Thanks for the tunes... love the afrorock sound!

googlefritz said...

awesome, thanks for the many rarbloggens!

Jacko said...

The vintage library music is pure gold, especially to those who appreciate it. Lots of other great stuff too. It's really a valiant public service to make available what would otherwise be lost to history. Thanks for the sharing and the effort expended.

Anonymous said...

KPM Rocks!

Thnx buddie,
mucho appreciated

Anonymous said...

I do enjoy most of the KPM- and library recordings, but a lot of them sounds quite faceless.
But this one really doesn't, every track is brilliant.
Thanks a lot!

purple_Crayons said...

you've got a great blog. i'm sorry if i've ever downloaded stuff w/o commenting before, but your posts keep me coming back.


Anonymous said...

"megaton" has been a favorite...looking forward to hearing this. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Brill - I only have KPM albums, no DeWolfe so I'm looking forward to giving this a spin.szmxl

Anonymous said...

Superb! Excellent blog! Keep 'em comin'! Love from Detroit...

flageolette said...

Thanks man!

Amazing blog,


the_down_Low said...

thanks for the review!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is WOW! Love the blog, thanks for the work you're doing!!!

rainbownorth said...

A VERY nice post, thanks muchly Soul Diggs.

Kim said...

LOVE those dewolfe records ... thanks for this and everything you do!

norman said...

wild thanxxxxxx for this one !

Philip said...

Excellent LP and a good write up which gives a greta feel for the music on the LP. I found this site a while back whilke browseing fro De Wolfe stuff like Hot Ice, Big Beat etc... It's greta to see sombody with the passion for the music to share with mnay out there who are eager to hear more of it.

Winb said...

More listening pleasure. Thanks

Anonymous said...

whoa!!!, you had a passion in blogging, thumbs up for your work of love.. Hehe very inspiring ideas,

anyway I'm william
mind if I put a link back to you?

see my works here ------> Big Suits

jon wodtz said...

hey man you're blog looks really great! there's a few here I can't get anywhere else-"jazz rock", a KPM by John Cameron would be fabulous indeed!
I can understand about getting miffed about people not leaving comments-I think they may not know what to write or wonder what they have to offer in the face of so much great music being offered-also, there may be the fear of being hunted down by some suit and sunglass wearing 'justice monkeys'-just a thought.
But i will offer a great big THANK YOU to the power of ten to make up for it all!

Benbo said...

liked the last track so much I did a quick edit.


Leo said...

I'd love to hear this. Would a reup be possible?