The KPM Music Library released vinyl LPs in the 1960s and 70s intended for television, radio, and broadcast usage. During the crate digging boom, library records became highly in demand for their incredibly sharp, break-filled instrumentals . There were several library labels, but KPM was recognized as the best, This LP is one of the heavy weight KPM releases with ill drum breaks fat funk tracks and plenty of percussion samples enjoi and crank up that sampler and please DONT FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT
Thanks for this one! Crispy tasting breaks indeed... Digging the KPM posts. Many thanks for the sterling work..
Can I call you Professor? Thanks for another education via your most recent post on KPM. This is incredible.
Thanks. Jonny Trunk of Trunk Records was on the Fabric Podcast a few weeks ago, playing some of his own library music faves.
cheers, i enjoy these kpm albums
This is a GREAT post!!! excellent! very thanks!
Never really fucked with kpm library ish before, mostly cause they're hard to get your hands on here, way out west. Thanks for the illest introduction possible!
this one is somehow almost unreal - in a positive way. thanks!
thanks for the fantastic tunes !!
Very nice. Definitely some bboy breaks hiding on this one. I'll have to have a run through the rest. The postings just keep getting better and better each visit!
Lovin' this, thanks!
thanks a lot for that! A lot of breaks for Djs...
Thanks for the music, your taste is outstanding!
Thanks for the great finds!!
wow amazing find
wow amazing find!
This is the sort of stuff mere mortals such as myself just don't normally have access to! Huge thanks for sharing this!
Just had to drop back and catch up on these KPM pieces. Your hard work is always appreciated...
yo, nice upload. Thanks for your work.
wittness the fatness , super stuff
great find, thanks!
man o man...too cool. Thanks for expanding my musical tastes.
Oh man this gets me moving, keep up the good work!
this looks incredible thank you!!!!u
OMG did anyone see that GW Williams play bass during his guitar concert, I couldn't believe what he can do on bass guitar also.
I have to say I was shocked to say least, he's an amazing rock, jazz guitar player that's for sure.BUt on bass, he's world class also,wow man !! he's Better Than the Treblemakers bass player by far, that Micheal Chubby guy, you know that fat guy from that band GW
cheers mon frere, some lovely fresh beats here. thank you for sharing.
I'm in awe. You've turned me on to so many joints and saved me from digitizing quite a few of my selections. Thanks so much.
thanks again.. just recently became hip to library records.... greatly appreciate the posts... most of these are impossible to find anymore....
I'll have that. Thanks, sir!
Any new seeds?
Curious about this genre, so thanks much for the introduction.
Fantastic find once again. How do you come across this wonderful stuff?
Ridiculous. Just Ridiculous. Keep on keeping on. Respect to you.
thank u again thanks u rock dude
Thanks man!Keep up the good work
thanks a lot, these breaks are legit
holy crap! this rules
Your knowledge of this extraordinary library music is absolutely an inspiration. I really didn't think that there were entire albums of just sparse instrumentals for different kinds of media. Thanks and don't ever stop this crusade because it is much needed in our diluted and commodified pop world.
Great stuff man ! Thanks
Nice one for posting this - thanks a lot.
whoa!!!, you had a passion in blogging, thumbs up for your work of love.. Hehe very inspiring ideas,
anyway I'm william
mind if I put a link back to you?
see my works here ------> Big Suits
Something I've been dreaming of... Thanks !!!
Thanks for being nice enough to put this up. Appreciate it!
How can I download this?
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